Can You Get Dental Implants Under General Anaesthetic?

When planning out your dental implant surgery, you might be curious about the different anesthesiology that can be used. It is typical for someone to have anxiety about a potential surgery or just visiting the dentist in general. Many kinds of effective anaesthetic will get used for your dental implants, which will make you not feel the procedure whatsoever.

Full unconsciousness is not usually the typical route for dental implants procedure, but it is crucial to explore all different options. In this article, we explain the validity of general anaesthetic as an option, including the other alternatives for conscious sedation. Regardless of what option you choose, it is vital to have a meaningful conversation with your dentist on the best solution.

Is general anaesthetic an option for dental procedures?

The process of getting dental implants under general anaesthetic is a variation of deeper sedation. It is the only type of dental sedation that will place you asleep. Before choosing this sedation method, you need to educate yourself on everything involved in general anaesthetic.

This type of anesthesia can only get administered by a dental anesthesiologist, oral or maxillofacial surgeon, or general anesthesiologist. If your specific dentist does not hold the certifications, facilities, or resources to perform this type of sedation, you will need to have the procedure done in a hospital, which will require extra fees.

There are also a few risks that are associated with this type of sedation, including assisted breathing. Although it is a viable option for people who do not wish to watch the operation firsthand and want to be asleep and unaware, there can be complications within the dental implant process. Your doctor might also not be accustomed to reacting to issues from general anaesthetic, which could be a risk.

What types of conscious sedation are available instead?

There are many ways that conscious sedation can get implemented in place of the standard procedure of dental implants under general anaesthetic. The first is inhalation sedation, which involves laughing gas, also referred to as nitrous oxide. The nitrous oxide usually gets administered through a mask put on your nose. This method wears off quickly with minimal side effects and almost zero recovery time.

Oral sedation is also an excellent alternative to the typical procedure of dental implants under general anaesthetic. Depending on the prescription, oral medication will usually produce a moderate effect on the patient. This sedation usually gets administered through a pill, about an hour before the procedure. You may feel sleep and recovery time will take longer, which will require a ride home.

The side effects and potency of an IV sedation is very similar to oral sedation with moderate effects. The only difference here is that the drugs are not administered orally, but intravenously. The sedation result will be a lot quicker, and this type of sedation gives your dentist the flexibility to adjust the level of potency during the procedure.