Can You Get Veneers With Missing Teeth?

Veneers are a popular treatment option to make teeth look better, but can you get veneers with missing teeth? Here is everything you need to know about these processes and how they work together.

Can Veneers Replace A Missing Tooth?

No. In dentistry, a veneer is a thin layer of porcelain or composite material bonded to a tooth’s surface. Most veneers only cover the tooth’s front surface and help to both protect the tooth from damage and create a better-looking smile.

The problem with asking, “can you get veneers with missing teeth?” is that veneers are not thick or durable enough to replace a missing tooth. Most of the pressure would fall onto their thin top surface, which would snap quickly under pressure without support from the tooth behind it.

However, there are some rare cases where veneers can be used as part of a replacement strategy for missing teeth. For example, if you need to have an unsightly band of metal on your tooth’s front side for stability, a veneer could provide a covering to hide that.

These situations aren’t common, but they can occur. So, can you get veneers with missing teeth? You can if it’s genuinely necessary as part of the treatment process, but it won’t be in the considerable majority of cases.

Treatment Options For Missing Teeth

There are many options for dealing with missing teeth. Here are some of the most popular alternatives that people use.

Option #1: No Treatment

Sometimes, a missing tooth doesn’t require treatment. If it doesn’t support any other teeth and won’t lead to any future problems, leaving it alone is sometimes the fastest, safest, and cheapest way to address it. However, remember that only a professional can determine whether or not having no treatment is appropriate in any given circumstance.

Option #2: Dental Implants

Dental implants are a two-part replacement for a tooth that’s too damaged to save. They consist of a metal screw set into the jawline and a false tooth on the surface that’s designed to look natural.

Dental implants are moderately expensive, but they have the benefit of looking entirely natural and last a long time. They can also help support bridges, dentures, or other types of replacements if you end up needing those in the future. For individual missing teeth, dental implants are usually the best long-term option.

Option #3: Bridges

Bridges close the gap between your teeth and consist of one or more false teeth held in place by the natural teeth on either side. While not quite as sturdy as implants, bridges are noticeably cheaper and are therefore a popular choice when people have several missing teeth in a row. Most bridges consist of at least three replacement teeth, but you often have to replace the whole thing if any of it gets damaged.

Option #4: Dentures

Dentures are entire rows of false teeth. These are available in upper, lower, and both formats depending on your needs. While not as secure as dental implants or bridges, they’re very affordable and may be the best option if your mouth can’t support other options.